Ottobre 2024

Visualizza 1 a 12 di 149 (13 pagine )

Three Color Linking Ropes


Tre anelli di corda colorati si incatenano, e si liberano, magicamente!Una bellissima variante del classico effetto con gli anelli cinesi in metallo.Essendo realizzati in corda colorata, gli anelli at..

Di Fatta

Vanishing Deck


Ecco il perfetto finale per ogni esibizione di cartomagia o close up magic.Mostrate un mazzo di carte formato poker e inseritelo dentro una custodia nera. Fate un gesto magico e... voilà, il mazzo di ..

Di Fatta

Dischi Cambia Colore


Il mago presenta tre dischi di colore grigiastro. Parte la musica e un disco viene messo in una custodia. Un nastro rosso viene fatto passare attraverso il foro presente sulla stessa e, dopo un gesto ..

Horizontal Holder Deluxe (2 transparent pockets)


This elegant holder will be your new best friend during your performances, allowing you to store special cards, gimmicks or simply hold your favorite packet tricks.The case is made of high-quality har..

Bond Lee

INKLING by Stephen Chan, Bond Lee, & MS Magic


Inkling, a revolution in magic. From the genius mind of Stephen Chan, presented by Bond Lee & MS Magic. Inkling can make predictions visually and magically appear on a normal piece of paper, and ..

NYX Velvet by Luca Volpe


Following the global success of the NYX PROJECT, Luca Volpe is thrilled to present THE NYX VELVET.Due to popular demand, a deck of playing cards has been created utilizing the same ingenious marking s..

The Green Neck System 2 by Gabriel Werlen & Ma...


The Green Neck System 2 by Gabriel Werlen The Sequel to a Classic of Magic and Mentalism The first volume of The Green Neck System quickly became a classic of magic and mentalism. It achieved interna..

Lee Alex - Tamer Kurter

Snow Bandana by Lee Alex


Snow Bandana by Lee Alex From the imagination of Lee Alex - the perfect addition or alternative to any snowstorm routine. Effect: "A royal blue bandana with a white snowflake pattern and matching bord..


Trident by Alex Ng, Bond Lee, & N2G


Trident created by Alex Ng, produced by Bond Lee & N2G The Trident was a legendary weapon wielded by the Greek god, Poseidon, and now you can have the same power. A coin miracle merges the tradit..

Mazzo di carte Vanishing Depot Playing Cards


Made in the USA. The Vanishing Depot is a collection of art from painter Ranulph Bye. The collection is beautifully painted train stations and depots across the North East coast of the United States...

Folding Wallet Deluxe


Folding Wallet Deluxe This elegant holder will be your new best friend during your performances, allowing you to store special cards, gimmicks or simply hold your favorite packet tricks. The holder i..

Modular Card Magic by Tobias Hudson


Tobias' first book exploring the strange and oversaturated realm of card magic. He believes magic should be modular in nature, pieces of a puzzle that slot together depending on the style and context ..

Visualizza 1 a 12 di 149 (13 pagine )