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The standard white version of the Plague Doctor Playing Cards.
The Plague Doctor Playing Cards offer a fully customized experience like no other. Every element, from the tuck box to the pips, face design, back design, and even the world map, is meticulously crafted to reflect real-life incidents and historical accuracy.
Delve deeper into the mysterious world of the Plague Doctor as you open the tuck box to reveal captivating and intricate illustrations that beautifully complement the deck's theme.
The Plague Doctor Playing Cards offer a fully customized experience like no other. Every element, from the tuck box to the pips, face design, back design, and even the world map, is meticulously crafted to reflect real-life incidents and historical accuracy.
Delve deeper into the mysterious world of the Plague Doctor as you open the tuck box to reveal captivating and intricate illustrations that beautifully complement the deck's theme.