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Take your linking rings routine to the next level with Ninja+ POKER created by Matthew Garrett and Boje Hoseth.
Ideal for both professionals and beginners - with clear tuition.This is visual magic at its finest and brings the classic linking rings bang up to date.
Ninja+ POKER allows you to do all the same great moves and routines possible with Ninja+ and much more:
- Visually make poker chips appear.
- Push a hole right through their center.
- Link & unlink them one at a time to a ring.
- AND have them immediately examined!
- Jeff McBride
Ninja+ POKER works in all situations: walkaround, close-up table magic as well as parlor. You can perform surrounded and importantly you can link and immediately pass it out for examination.
You receive everything required to perform these amazing routines.
Inside the round presentation box, you receive a key ring and the special Ninja+ POKER gimmick, and a smaller box with 8 different poker chips.
The quality of the rings is second to none. They have no visible welds; they have smooth edges and the plating is first class.
You'll be performing it right away - there is a quick start guide where you follow along.
Your performance can be short, direct and visual or patter based and developed - this allows for all performing styles.
Multiple routines are shown and clearly taught. There's a showreel from Kaito Kidman and detailed video instructions from Matthew Garrett, Mikkel Haug and Brian Hoseth that won't disappoint.
- Ninja+ POKER allows you to do all the same great moves and routines possible with Ninja+ and much more!
- Ninja+ POKER is colorful and visual.
- Visually make poker chips appear.
- Magic a hole in their center and visually link them, either individually or together onto a larger ring and immediately let the audience examine this strange object.
- Link it in your hand, a spectator's hand or even in mid-air.