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Operazione richiesta elaborata con successo.
The magician gives a card to choose. Then, the magician assisted by a video from his cell phone, tells a story of a space trip to the moon on Apollo 15 in 1971.
A moon necklace will travel from the video to the magician's hand. After the apparition, the magician will illuminate this necklace with the flashlight.
In a surprising way and with a visual effect, the image on the necklace will reveal the moon with the chosen card. Simple, different and original are the attributes of this effect.
Created by Hugo Valenzuela
A moon necklace will travel from the video to the magician's hand. After the apparition, the magician will illuminate this necklace with the flashlight.
In a surprising way and with a visual effect, the image on the necklace will reveal the moon with the chosen card. Simple, different and original are the attributes of this effect.
Created by Hugo Valenzuela