Bottiglie e Bicchieri

Visualizza 1 a 12 di 83 (7 pagine )

Juan Pablo Ibañez

Super Drink by Juan Pablo


The magician shows a handkerchief and when he blows on it the image of a drink magically appears... and instantly the image turns into a real drink and not just one drink, but a second drink magically..

Di Fatta

Bottiglia che scompare


Il mago mostra al pubblico una bottiglia di vino e ne versa un po' in un bicchiere. Quindi mette con cura la bottiglia in un sacchetto di carta e annuncia che la farà sparire.Dopo alcune divertenti ga..

The Bibby Bottle Opener (Coke) by Elliot Bibby


A perfect impromptu miracle, designed for every environment! A bottle cap impossibly fuses into a bottle opener - and it's really on there! You'll learn 3 handlings plus a bonus section where Elliot ..

The Bibby Bottle Opener (Corona) by Elliot Bibby


A perfect impromptu miracle, designed for every environment! A bottle cap impossibly fuses into a bottle opener - and it's really on there! You'll learn 3 handlings plus a bonus section where Elliot ..

Taiwan Ben Magic Shop

Cookie in Bottle by Taiwan Ben


A performer displays a cookie and a bottle, and the performer taps it on the bottom and side of the bottle. 1-2-3-CLINK! The cookie visibly penetrates the bottle and is now freely shown to be sealed i..

TORNADO by Peter Eggink


Smoke in a Glass ReinventedPerform the classic "Smoke to Glass" as never before -for the first time ever it's super visual, super easy and super practical to perform. Tornado is the closest thing to r..

TORNADO by Peter Eggink


Smoke in a Glass ReinventedPerform the classic "Smoke to Glass" as never before -for the first time ever it's super visual, super easy and super practical to perform. Tornado is the closest thing to r..

Di Fatta

Ever Filling Glass


Il performer mostra un bicchiere trasparente pieno di una bevanda. Ne beve un po', finché il bicchiere è quasi vuoto. Quindi, porta il bicchiere dietro la schiena, o sotto la giacca per un momento, e ..

Refilled (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Henry ...


Henry Harrius is finally revealing one of his secret weapons from his commercial show: REFILLED.You first introduce an empty glass bottle (corona), a paper bag and an opener as a "magic wand". After s..

Portable DLX Wine Glass


Spesso i maghi usano un bicchiere di vino durante il loro spettacolo. Il problema è che i normali bicchieri da vino in vero vetro sono pesanti, ingombranti e fragili.Questo bellissimo bicchiere da vin..

Bond Lee

Shot Glass Matrix by Patricio, Bond Lee & MS M...


Shot Glass Matrix created by Patricio Teran.A modernized classic of magic.A Matrix accomplished with shot glasses instead of coins.The magician displays 4 shot glasses and pours drinks in them. Then h..

Richard Griffin Productions

BALANCE by Richard Griffin


EFFECT:A borrowed bill and drink are shown. You now place the drink on top of the edge of the bill and let go. The drink is now seen to be balancing on the bill. Take the drink off the bill and everyt..

Visualizza 1 a 12 di 83 (7 pagine )