Corde e Anelli
Effect: You display three solid ropes of different sizes and hand them out for inspection, there is nothing to find as they are completely normal. Right in front of your audience's eyes, you stretch a..
Three Color Linking Ropes
Tre anelli di corda colorati si incatenano, e si liberano, magicamente!Una bellissima variante del classico effetto con gli anelli cinesi in metallo.Essendo realizzati in corda colorata, gli anelli at..
Crazy Cord
Mostrate due cordicelle di colore diverso che passano attraverso due blocchi di plastica. Tirate una alla volta entrambe le cordicelle per mostrare che passano, veramente, attraverso i blocchi.Ora, se..
Anello PK - Argentato - Diametro 21 mm - PK Ring
EFFETTO 1: Il prestigiatore mostra una moneta da 5 centesimi di Euro in una mano e nell’altra una bottiglia di vetro vuota e chiusa. In un attimo, semplicemente colpendo il vetro con la moneta, quest’..
Rebel Knot by Mr. Daba
Watch as a rebellious knot defies all odds and reappears on a rope, no matter how often the magician tries to remove it. This interactive routine is perfect for young audiences, as children are encour..
Stitch by Titanas
"Genuinely love this! My type of visual magic. Right up my street. It's more ingenious than you think! You will love it!"- Angelo Carbone"Amongst all of the card tricks, coin vanishes and reading of m..
Key Ring by GBDL and TCC (Size 8)
In collaboration with GBDL - This is Key Ring. Get ready to unlock a world of magic with the Key Ring. This version of the effect can be traced back four years ago to chat messages calling for the pro..
Key Ring by GBDL and TCC (Size 13)
In collaboration with GBDL - This is Key Ring. Get ready to unlock a world of magic with the Key Ring. This version of the effect can be traced back four years ago to chat messages calling for the pro..
Key Ring by GBDL and TCC (Size 12)
In collaboration with GBDL - This is Key Ring. Get ready to unlock a world of magic with the Key Ring. This version of the effect can be traced back four years ago to chat messages calling for the pro..
Key Ring by GBDL and TCC (Size 9)
In collaboration with GBDL - This is Key Ring. Get ready to unlock a world of magic with the Key Ring. This version of the effect can be traced back four years ago to chat messages calling for the pro..
Key Ring by GBDL and TCC (Size 10)
In collaboration with GBDL - This is Key Ring. Get ready to unlock a world of magic with the Key Ring. This version of the effect can be traced back four years ago to chat messages calling for the pro..
Key Ring by GBDL and TCC (Size 11)
In collaboration with GBDL - This is Key Ring. Get ready to unlock a world of magic with the Key Ring. This version of the effect can be traced back four years ago to chat messages calling for the pro..