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Magia con Palline
Magic Sponge MR DONG by Murphy's Magic
Mr. Dong takes the classic sponge ball effect and adds a playful twist with an unexpected and humorous reveal. The routine builds up the suspense and surprise, making the final moment a... memorable ..
Magic Sponge Ball to Square JUMBO RED by Murphy's ...
You begin by showing your empty hand. After closing it into a fist, you produce a sponge ball. You then push the ball into your closed hand and ask the audience to guess which hand holds the red ball...
Strato Ball Vanish
L'illusionista mostra un tubo su cui sono raffigurati tre punti colorati. Solleva il tubo e all'interno è presente un altro tubo, trasparente, che contiene tre palle degli stessi colori dei punti.Il p..
Cups and Balls Set SMALL (Brass) by Bluether Magic...
The Cups and Balls trick has remained a global cornerstone of magic for centuries. Mastered and refined by legendary magicians, this trick has been passed down through generations to today's performer..
Cups and Balls Set SMALL (Stainless-Steel) by Blue...
The Cups and Balls trick has remained a global cornerstone of magic for centuries. Mastered and refined by legendary magicians, this trick has been passed down through generations to today's performer..
Cups and Balls Set MINI (Stainless-Steel) by Bluet...
The Cups and Balls trick has remained a global cornerstone of magic for centuries. Mastered and refined by legendary magicians, this trick has been passed down through generations to today's performer..
Cups and Balls Set MINI (Brass) by Bluether Magic ...
The Cups and Balls trick has remained a global cornerstone of magic for centuries. Mastered and refined by legendary magicians, this trick has been passed down through generations to today's performer..
Sneaky Ball
Mostrate un’elegante scatolina trasparente ben chiusa con un elastico ed una pallina. Posate la pallina sopra la scatolina e coprite tutto con un foulard. Adesso avviene la magia. Il vostro pubblico v..
The Oddest Ball by David Penn and TCC
The Oddest Ball is a comedic twist on the Odd Ball effect that is sure to bring laughter and amusement to your mentalism performances. The Odd Ball Effect has been used by many mentalists in their li..
Bounce no Bounce Balls WHITE by Murphy's Magic
There's nothing like adding a quick laugh to your performance. With Murphy's Bounce no bounce balls, you will be able to add some lighthearted fun to your magic. The BNBB can be used as a comedy piece..
Bounce no Bounce Balls YELLOW by Murphy's Magic
There's nothing like adding a quick laugh to your performance. With Murphy's Bounce no bounce balls, you will be able to add some lighthearted fun to your magic. The BNBB can be used as a comedy piece..
Super Ball & Tube
Il mago mostra degli eleganti oggetti: un tubo in ottone ed una solida sfera in acciaio. Appoggia la sfera sul tubo che all'interno è più piccolo del diametro della sfera. Dopo un attimo di suspense, ..