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Carte e Dadi
Focus by Craig Petty
Craig Petty & Phil Smith are BACK with quite possibly their most devious and powerful collaboration yet. This absolute blockbuster combines both Magic and Mentalism to create one of the most versa..
Dice Pyramid by Tora Magic
Disponibile il 10 febbraio
Il mago mostra 4 dadi neri di diversa grandezza. Li appoggia su una base e li ordina mettendoli uno sull'altro, come in una piramide, dal più grande al più piccolo. Poi li copre con un parallelepipedo..
Stubborn Dice by Tora Magic
Disponibile il 28 febbraio
Il mago mostra, sul tavolo, due piramidi composte ognuna da quattro dadi di misure diverse impilati. Chide l'aiuto di uno spettatore ed entrambi coprono, con un parallelepipedo, la propria piramide. Q..
CTC Stage Cards by Luca Volpe, Alan Wong and Paul ...
Following the success of the DTC CARDS, Luca Volpe, Paul McCaig, and Alan Wong are proud to present the CTC STAGE! Reveal stunning drawings and colors with these beautiful, durable plastic cards featu..
Split Dice 2 by Tora Magic
Il mago mostra da ogni lato un grosso dado azzurro e lo appoggia su un piedistallo. Lo copre con un elegante coperchio di legno e nel rimuovere quest'ultimo, il dado sarà diventato rosso! Poi lo copre..
Classicho Hearken Dice by TCC
Discern two dice at once and enrich effects on multiple levels. Mental magic is a fascinating branch, and the audience is always captivated by its mysterious allure. Dice, familiar objects to everyone..
The Dog by TCC Magic & Harry Yang
The Dog - Perfect Interaction with Your Audience Harry Yang has long been interested in incorporating balloon animals into magical performances. After years of exploration, he created The Dog, a uniqu..
The Mark by Juan Pablo
The Mark (Slow motion four card monte). This is a new version of an old classic, the "Three card monte" but this time with four cards of which three are white and one is the ace of clubs and with an ..
Jumbo Monte Stand (Blue) by Jeki Yoo
Hi everyone, I'm Jeki Yoo, and I'm excited to introduce you to the Jumbo Monte Stands! Oh My! Due to popular demand, I've created a larger version of my unique take on the classic Three Card Monte eff..
Flags by Mercy Me Magic
Magician tells his audience, "I'm going to cast a magical spell." He then lays out six cards, each with a flag from six different nations around the world. He then has someone announce any number from..
Jumbo Mind Entanglement by Hank and Joseph Lee
Released at the 2024 Blackpool Magic Convention, "Mind Entanglement" was extremely well received. There were also many requests for a larger version for parlor or stage, prompting the creation and rel..
Dizzy Dots by Per Eklund
Lo svedese Per Eklund è la mente dietro questa svolta interessante e colorata di un classico della magia. Prima ingannate l’occhio, poi ingannate il cervello.Mostrate al pubblico una grande carta jumb..