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Scopri le ultime novità nel mondo della magia nel nostro negozio di giochi di prestigio. Ogni settimana pubblichiamo nuovi prodotti per offrirti le ultime tendenze nel settore. Trova qui tutti i nuovi giochi, trucchi, mazzi di carte ed accessori per sorprendere il pubblico con le tue performance di magia.
CUT by Alexis Touchard
Alexis Touchard vi presenta il suo nuovo trucco, una straordinaria rivelazione visiva del valore di una Carta o di una forma geometrica tagliata in una piastra di metallo!!Questo è un trucco da portar..
Ring on Rod - Ultimate
Ecco una nuova versione di questo classico effetto, arricchita da dettagli migliorativi nati dalla mente creativa di Vincenzo Di Fatta. Il segreto è ora ancora più nascosto, mentre la raffinatezza e l..
How to Read Minds: Kids Kit
Saranno i bambini più cool della scuola.Ogni kit contiene:- Oltre 20 trucchi insegnati.- Tutorial video di alta qualità adatti ai bambini.- 7 oggetti di scena magici che sembrano del tutto normali, ma..
Forged by Fire by Christoph Borer
More than 40+ professional routines from one of the world's most innovative magicians. In his home country of Germany, Christoph Borer is a legend. He's published multiple magic books, all of which re..
Future With the Stars by Kreskin
The Amazing Kreskin is known as the World's Foremost Mentalist. Here, he has assembled a fascinating collection of future predictions from celebrated individuals. Show business personalities such as T..
Half Dollar Coin Box Set (Deluxe Edition) by Bluet...
The Coin Box is a timeless icon in the world of coin magic, made legendary by magicians like Okito and David Roth, who built countless classic routines around it. Recognizing the enduring significance..
Morgan Dollar Coin Box Set (Deluxe Edition) by Blu...
The Coin Box is a timeless icon in the world of coin magic, made legendary by magicians like Okito and David Roth, who built countless classic routines around it. Recognizing the enduring significance..
Black Roses Hotel V4 Playing Cards
Attention magicians! The Black Roses Hotel V4 Playing Cards, with their striking lavender tone, are your new go-to for unforgettable card magic routines. Featuring hidden reveals on the court cards a..
Dynamite In A Small Package by Doc Dixon
Presenting Dynamite in a Small Package by Doc Dixon "The other magicians laughed at me when I said was doing 25+ minutes on stage with only a deck of cards and a marker, but their laughter turned to ..
Monochrome by Luca Volpe
Following the resounding success of his classic "Total Mentalism," Luca Volpe returns with Monochrome, a groundbreaking new work. This meticulously crafted collection showcases his most cherished men..
Curly's Secrets (Spanish) by Marcelo Insúa
This is not just a magic book. It is also an index of magic videos where you can appreciate every routine I teach. You will be able to perform these effects by just reading them. But if you also want..
Curly's Secrets by Marcelo Insúa
This is not just a magic book. It is also an index of magic videos where you can appreciate every routine I teach. You will be able to perform these effects by just reading them. But if you also want..