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Fiedler's Flyer is a secret weapon that you can always carry with you. Imagine having your spectator completely shuffling a deck of cards. Next, without ANY moves or sleight of hand a random card is selected. The spectator is asked to then shuffle the cards again in their hands. You ask them to go through the deck and find their chosen card and to their astonishment, the selected card has completely vanished from the deck! There is nothing to find! The card then reappears in the card box or virtually anywhere else the magician desires. The possibilities are unlimited! Here's another example directly from the instructions. The magician shows an envelope to be empty, seals it closed and a spectator sits on it. The selected card is vanished while the spectator is holding the deck. Miraculously, the envelope that the spectator has been sitting on is torn open and the selection is found inside!
This amazing mystery is very easy to do because the secret gimmick does all the work for you.
This limited edition of Fiedler's Flyer card is printed exclusively by the United States Playing Card Company on red, Bicycle Rider back cards. Once they are gone they will not be reprinted.
This amazing mystery is very easy to do because the secret gimmick does all the work for you.
This limited edition of Fiedler's Flyer card is printed exclusively by the United States Playing Card Company on red, Bicycle Rider back cards. Once they are gone they will not be reprinted.
- Fiedler's Flyer gimmick
- Online video tutorial detailing various handlings and routines