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Cards are a constant in most magician's lives, and, as such, they can see some wear and tear. As the first line of defense, the tuck case often bears the brunt of the abuse. Buying a new deck each time a box gives out can get expensive, which is why we're excited to offer an alternative that will keep your cards looking fresh and new, performance after performance.
The empty Bicycle boxes are the solution for any time your well-worn case breaks down or for when you need just a tuck to construct a new gimmick. These are genuine Bicycle boxes are printed by the United States Playing Card Company, giving you both the name and the quality you've come to rely on.
Cards are a magician's greatest asset, make sure they're treated that way.
Key Features:
The empty Bicycle boxes are the solution for any time your well-worn case breaks down or for when you need just a tuck to construct a new gimmick. These are genuine Bicycle boxes are printed by the United States Playing Card Company, giving you both the name and the quality you've come to rely on.
Cards are a magician's greatest asset, make sure they're treated that way.
Key Features:
- Available in Red and Blue
- Shipped flat
- Easy to assemble