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Pocket Bunny by Lee Alex
A great way to introduce yourself as the magician at a restaurant table, at a wedding, or an item to wear and carry around in your breast pocket every day. Every magician needs a rabbit!
Rabbit ears are seen sticking out from the breast pocket of the magician's jacket. These are in fact a specially designed pocket square by Lee Alex, folded to represent the ears. The magician unfolds the pocket square to show a black hank with a white rabbit pattern on both sides. The hank is shaken, and the rabbits (cute rabbit shaped confetti) fly off into the air. The hank is shown blank on both sides, save the special border pattern. The magician takes a handful of rabbit confetti and throws these toward the hank. The rabbit pattern appears back on both sides of the hank. The pocket square is folded up and popped back into the breast pocket with the ears of the rabbit showing.
Don't have a breast pocket? We supply you with a pocket-shaped bag in which the folded hank is placed. This can be carried in your handbag, man bag, bum bag or wherever you wish to carry it.
The specially designed pocket square measures approx. 13.5 inches x 13.5 inches (34 cm x 34 cm) and comes complete with a ton of tiny rabbit shaped confetti (which will be snapped up by your audience as a souvenir!) and a black carry pocket.
Is this the world's smallest leopard silk? We don't know, but it's certainly the cutest!
A great way to introduce yourself as the magician at a restaurant table, at a wedding, or an item to wear and carry around in your breast pocket every day. Every magician needs a rabbit!
Rabbit ears are seen sticking out from the breast pocket of the magician's jacket. These are in fact a specially designed pocket square by Lee Alex, folded to represent the ears. The magician unfolds the pocket square to show a black hank with a white rabbit pattern on both sides. The hank is shaken, and the rabbits (cute rabbit shaped confetti) fly off into the air. The hank is shown blank on both sides, save the special border pattern. The magician takes a handful of rabbit confetti and throws these toward the hank. The rabbit pattern appears back on both sides of the hank. The pocket square is folded up and popped back into the breast pocket with the ears of the rabbit showing.
Don't have a breast pocket? We supply you with a pocket-shaped bag in which the folded hank is placed. This can be carried in your handbag, man bag, bum bag or wherever you wish to carry it.
The specially designed pocket square measures approx. 13.5 inches x 13.5 inches (34 cm x 34 cm) and comes complete with a ton of tiny rabbit shaped confetti (which will be snapped up by your audience as a souvenir!) and a black carry pocket.
Is this the world's smallest leopard silk? We don't know, but it's certainly the cutest!