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S'pendulum is effortless to use and can be instantly reset. Without electronics and designed fashionably.
The spectator chooses one card freely and then shuffles it. The spectator's chosen card is found via the magician's pendulum necklace. The pendulum is held by the Spectator and the pendulum moves magically across a card of the spectator's choice.
Spectators can examine the pendulum and can use any card.
There are many variations of games using The Pendulum and very handy.
The spectator chooses one card freely and then shuffles it. The spectator's chosen card is found via the magician's pendulum necklace. The pendulum is held by the Spectator and the pendulum moves magically across a card of the spectator's choice.
Spectators can examine the pendulum and can use any card.
There are many variations of games using The Pendulum and very handy.