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SB Watch 2 (2024)
It has a button that looks like a crown, turn-able with no effect. You can imitate pulling it out and ask the spectator to "set a time" while you force a preset time.
Optionally, it has two extra buttons you can assign actions to in the compatible apps.
We are selling these 2024 Noir models:
What's New With the 2024 Models?
SB Watch 2 introduces many improvements compared to previous models:
- A prediction watch and a peek device in one.
- Innocent look has a sleek design and natural aesthetics.
- Comes with the TimeSmith app and many routines.
It has a button that looks like a crown, turn-able with no effect. You can imitate pulling it out and ask the spectator to "set a time" while you force a preset time.
Optionally, it has two extra buttons you can assign actions to in the compatible apps.
We are selling these 2024 Noir models:
- Noir Black One: shiny black body, black face with numbers (1-12), the logo, and a crown-button.
- Noir Black Three: shiny black body, black face with numbers (1-12), the logo, a crown-button and two buttons.
- Noir Silver One: shiny silver body, black face with numbers (1-12), the logo, and a crown-button.
- Noir Silver Three: shiny silver body, black face with numbers (1-12), the logo, a crown-button and two buttons.
What's New With the 2024 Models?
SB Watch 2 introduces many improvements compared to previous models:
- A tiny 72×40-pixel sized display (to peek information).
- A gentle vibration motor (to receive notifications).
- Rechargeable battery (no more battery replacements).
- Optionally two more buttons (use it as a remote).