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Secret Voice produced by ZF Magic and MS Magic.
Secret Voice, the secret sound system every professional performer needs. Secret Voiceis a portable sound system that allows you to control music and sound effects with a press of a button. The device is very small and light; you can put it anywhere - even inside your clothes.
We designed a special remote-control holder, so you can play the sound effect or music secretly. The remote control has a maximum 100 meters effective range, so you can use the device in any situation, like parlor, street, stage, basically everywhere. Secret voice can also connect to audio systems that use a 3.5mm or 6.5mm jack, making it very versatile.
Secret Voice is the perfect sound solution for professional performers.
Secret Voice, the secret sound system every professional performer needs. Secret Voiceis a portable sound system that allows you to control music and sound effects with a press of a button. The device is very small and light; you can put it anywhere - even inside your clothes.
We designed a special remote-control holder, so you can play the sound effect or music secretly. The remote control has a maximum 100 meters effective range, so you can use the device in any situation, like parlor, street, stage, basically everywhere. Secret voice can also connect to audio systems that use a 3.5mm or 6.5mm jack, making it very versatile.
Secret Voice is the perfect sound solution for professional performers.