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Magia con Foulards
Offerte Speciali per categoria
Super Foulard Blank Poker - 45cm
These real silks are very soft and thin, also the colors are so brilliant and vivid. Perfect for your silk routines.Size: 45cm*45cm..
Production Silk Rainbow (90cm X 90cm) by Mr. Magic
Here's a fabulous and colorful item to produce magically in your show. It's a gorgeous silk handkerchief that's beautifully rainbow colored. Produce it from your favorite production item and get those..
Stripe Flip
This is eye popping, jaw-dropping, astonishing fun trick!!Magician shows a silk, printed with vertical stripes. Jokingly, magician crumples silk and then, in an obvious and funny manner, uncrumples it..
Rope to 3 Silks
Una morbida corda rimane in verticale al comando del prestigiatore. Ad un altro comando la corda si affloscia ritornando morbida come prima. Il gioco viene ripetuto tra le risate del pubblico e non fi..
Production Silk 40 cm x 40 cm (Merry Christmas) b...
These silks are manufactured for various different types of magic shows.An imaginative magician will find new was to incorporate these into his shows. This Merry Christmas silk is a more specialized o..
Silk Thru Phone
Borrow any smart phone from anyone. Show an ordinary red silk. Place one end of the silk onto the screen of the borrowed phone. Remove your hand and one end of the silk is now seen to be penetrated in..
Naughty Silk by G Sparks
"An Old Classic with a Colorful New Look." You Display a Black Tray with Three Colorful Shot Glasses and a Silk with a Knot tied into it's center.The Naughty Silk, is then pushed into one of the shot ..
Spotted Silk 90 cm (white) by Uday
Un foulard quadrato bianco coperto di pallini neri su entrambi i lati...
The Invisible Hen by The Great Gorgonzola
A wonderful and entertaining vanish! The performer shows his top hat, or other suitable container, to be empty. Next, he displays a cloth --say, his grandmother's babushka. He spreads it out, shows..
Dove to Silk Sensation by Uday
Il prestigiatore mostra una bandiera di stoffa e nella piegatura ci posiziona una colomba. Tenendo i due capi della bandiera il mago le separa velocemente l'una dell'altra facendo così volare in aria ..
Silks 38 cm by Uday
This is a Fine Tabby Silk square. Also available in 9, 18, 24 and 36 inch squares in Red...
Silk Off Hanger by Mr. Magic
A new version of Acrobatic Silk, where the silks are now tied to a metal hanger. With four different silks tied with knots to a hanger, have your spectator name any colored silk. Whichever silk is nam..