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Magia con Fuoco
Offerte Speciali per categoria
Scatola del fuoco by Vincenzo di Fatta
Quando si dice un effetto MAGICO! Prendete un fazzoletto, mostratelo da entrambi i lati, sottolineando così che non si tratta di un foulard truccato. Prendete poi la SCATOLA DEL FUOCO e tenetela ..
BLAZE 2 (The Auto Candle) by Mickey Mak, Alen L. &...
Dalle menti geniali di Alen, Bond Lee e ZF Magic.Lasciate che vi presentiamo la nuovissima candela automatica, BLAZE2.Potete controllare la candela per accenderla e spegnerla al vostro comando, come p..
Morgan Fire Set (1 Fire Coin + 3 Morgan Coins + 1 ...
Un modo creativo per combinare Morgan Dollar con il fuoco.- Effetto nuovo e spettacolare- Può mostrare la moneta su entrambi i lati- Perfetto per apparizioni e sparizioni- Dividi una moneta in due, 3 ..
Torcia in rosa - Easy
Il prestigiatore entra in scena con una torcia di fuoco in mano e… con un gesto magico trasforma la torcia in una rosa rossa.Scordatevi gli strani movimenti e la poca fluidità nei gesti che servivano ..
Morgan Fire Set 2.0 by Oliver Magic
Improvement of Morgan Fire Set, add more routines.EffectCoins in fire:The magician lits a flash paper roll with a candle, and a silver mogan dollar appears. Another morgan dollar is grabbed from the f..
"A great utility prop, Flash Glass, makes the magic happen." DIMINISHES ANY DRINK ENABLES SMALL ITEMS TO APPEAR OR VANISH PRODUCES A FLASH AND FLAME FROM INSIDE THE GLASS Enjoy the Magic by G Sparks T..
Fiamme dalle mani
Ecco un effetto da scena veramente spettacolare, una fiamma appare nella vostra mano destra, voi la spegnete e nello stesso momento il fuoco appare nel palmo della mano sinistra. Depositate ora la fia..
Spontaneous Combustion by Granell Magic Inc
Created by the Magician Granell one of the most avant-garde and creative magicians from around Mexico and Latin America participating in national and international events including FLASOMA And FISM S..
SIGNS (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Vernet
Decode the present to predict the future IMAGINE THIS: The magician shows three business cards with predictions written on them. These predictions are doodles, so he announces that he's going to teac..
Extreme Change Bag by Jim Pace
Effect East meets West...in a showdown for the ages..the change bag is engulfed in flames! ECB (or "extreme change bag") is a revolution in transformation effects, as you place anything into an ..
Playing with Fire (Rare/Limited) by Kazan - Libro
This rare booklet contains the routines and handling of Kazan. Also included are diagrams on how to construct a variety of performance props. Some of the topics included are: The Construction of the F..
Fire of Card Set
Coin magic meets card magic in a burst of flames! A card is selected, signed and returned to the pack. A borrowed and marked coin is wrapped in a piece of tissue paper and placed on top of a deck. The..