The Rev by Fenik video DOWNLOAD

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The Rev by Fenik video DOWNLOAD

  • €12.90
    • Prezzo in punti fedeltà: 13

    Questo particolare ed esclusivo video-training su questo specifico effetto di magia, prodotto da una delle più prestigiose e riconosciute case magiche del mondo, è visionabile immediatamente dopo il pagamento tramite un download che potrai effettuare direttamente nel tuo computer.

    This effect is straightforward and eye-poppingly visual: four Jacks turn face down visually one at a time, and finally have their faces change from Jacks to Aces. Its method is highly ingenious. In fact, it's so much fun to watch, you'll want to stay in front of the mirror doing it again and again!

    Best of all, it leaves your spectators' mouths hanging wide open in stunned disbelief!

    Download the video and learn to perform this great routine.