Sankey Magic

In questa particolare categoria puoi avvalerti dei più esclusivi e istruttivi video-training e libri (e-books) di magia prodotti dalle più importanti e riconosciute case magiche del mondo.

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Sankey Magic

Babylon Band by Jay Sankey - Video DOWNLOAD


This is one of the most visual revelations Jay has ever created. Reveal the name of a playing card, 'thought of' esp symbol, and almost anything else you can write or draw on the side of a thick rubbe..

Sankey Magic

Exit Strategy by Jay Sankey - Video DOWNLOAD


Cause a borrowed finger ring to melt through two ordinary drinking straws under test conditions. Jay's been performing this mysterious effect in combination with Tarbell's classic "two straws penetrat..

Sankey Magic

Climber by Jay Sankey - Video DOWNLOAD


Slip a drinking straw into a can of soda and "capture" a few drops of soda into the end of the straw. Then get gasps from your audience as they see the soda slowly rise up the straw! It really looks i..

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