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Operazione richiesta elaborata con successo.
Every aspect of this deck of cards is uniquely illustrated and designed with as much detail as possible to create a deck of cards that will be loved by Tolkien fans worldwide. Including beloved characters like Gimli, Gandalf the White, and Éowyn, each card features beautifully illustrated characters that honor the legacy and story created by Professor Tolkien.
Alongside the story's familiar characters, I include more obscure characters like Fimbrethil, Treebeard's long-lost Entwife. Each character from The Two Towers deck is pulled from the text and brought to life in a new and fresh way.
With the foiled edition, we've taken the cards and added luxurious gold foiling. The foiled edition features a side-load book box tuck.
Alongside the story's familiar characters, I include more obscure characters like Fimbrethil, Treebeard's long-lost Entwife. Each character from The Two Towers deck is pulled from the text and brought to life in a new and fresh way.
With the foiled edition, we've taken the cards and added luxurious gold foiling. The foiled edition features a side-load book box tuck.