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What you can see in the video is the clearest switch device ever created. Introducing the Organic Switch Box.
This clear device will do all the work for you, as the gimmick will be activated automatically when opening the cap. You will be amazed once knowing the mechanism behind Organic Switch Box, because LITERALLY, the only thing you will need to worry about is presentation and a mercury fold.
It has been made out using a Tic Tac box to have an innocent look, so you just need to drop it into your pocket and have it ready to perform whenever you want. This is not only a simple everyday carry, but also, the most organic way to perform a switch box device, inside a clear box.
Each gimmick has been handmade one by one in Spain. You will not need to do any arts and crafts, as it goes READY to perform.
You will receive:
This clear device will do all the work for you, as the gimmick will be activated automatically when opening the cap. You will be amazed once knowing the mechanism behind Organic Switch Box, because LITERALLY, the only thing you will need to worry about is presentation and a mercury fold.
It has been made out using a Tic Tac box to have an innocent look, so you just need to drop it into your pocket and have it ready to perform whenever you want. This is not only a simple everyday carry, but also, the most organic way to perform a switch box device, inside a clear box.
Each gimmick has been handmade one by one in Spain. You will not need to do any arts and crafts, as it goes READY to perform.
You will receive:
- 1 x gimmicked Tic Tac box
- 1 x gimmicked Tic Tac tap
- 1 x extra material to fix it
- 1 x tutorial card