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The Proposition by Ben Harris and JB Haze is your roadmap into one of the fastest growing trade show circuits today - The Cannabis industry!
From "mind-altering" effects and routines, to a broader look into the industry as a whole, this book outlines everything you need to know to break into this untapped market as a magician.
The Proposition takes an extensive deep dive into the audience of Cannabis Trade shows, then walks you through ways to entertain the crowd and create meaningful impact with your magic.
You'll rediscover hemp-themed classics like Miser's Dream, Sponge Balls, and Gypsy thread, as the Proposition guides you through routines and ideas that are perfectly suited for your "high-minded" audience.
This is The Proposition by Ben Harris and JB Haze - Discover your new stage for magic and mentalism.
From "mind-altering" effects and routines, to a broader look into the industry as a whole, this book outlines everything you need to know to break into this untapped market as a magician.
The Proposition takes an extensive deep dive into the audience of Cannabis Trade shows, then walks you through ways to entertain the crowd and create meaningful impact with your magic.
You'll rediscover hemp-themed classics like Miser's Dream, Sponge Balls, and Gypsy thread, as the Proposition guides you through routines and ideas that are perfectly suited for your "high-minded" audience.
This is The Proposition by Ben Harris and JB Haze - Discover your new stage for magic and mentalism.